Green Tea: What Are Its Advantages And Disadvantages?

Pros and Cons of Green Tea

Today while sipping on my morning cup of green tea, I was thinking of the numerous health benefits that this hot green miraculous drink offers. Green tea is quite well known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and anti-oxidant properties. Of course, it is the healthiest beverage but the problem arises when people overindulge and drink multiple cups of green tea a day in order to reap its benefits. They tend to forget that sometimes “too much of a good thing is bad for health”. So today’s post is all about its pros and cons.

Although research has not shown yet – how much is too much? It’s just that you need to be cautious of certain conditions when it’s overconsumption is a health hazard for you. I will discuss that but firstly I would like to divert your attention to several health benefits that it provides as its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages.



Anti-oxidants are highly beneficial for our skin and green tea contains many. It has polyphenols like flavonoids, a powerful anti-oxidants. It can reduce the formation of free radicals (known to play a role in ageing and causing all sorts of diseases) in the body.

You can either use it externally or drink it. In every way, it makes your skin wrinkle-free and radiant. If you are heading towards the beach then pack a packet of green tea along with your sunglasses and sunscreen as catechins present in it can make the skin more resistant to the effects of UV rays and prevent sunburn. We can say, it’s one of the best anti-ageing products.

ALSO READ: Top Causes Of Wrinkles And Sagging Facial Skin


It is one of the best fat fighters. Studies have shown that drinking 4-5 cups of green tea a day increases fat oxidation by 17%, indicating that it helps in losing weight. It helps suppress the appetite as it gives the feeling of fullness and inhibits the main enzymes involved in fat storage. It specifically melts the fat in the abdominal area.

EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) present in it, increases the metabolism rate, and results in increasing the rate at which our body turns food into calories and helps in weight loss. But don’t depend completely on it as you need to follow a good exercise regime too to lose weight.

ALSO READ: A Magical Health Drink For Weight Loss: UNICITY MATCHA

Green Tea for Weight Loss


Oxidative damage contributes to the development of cancer and anti-oxidants can have a protective effect. We all know that green tea is an excellent source of powerful antioxidants. So its consumption is best to reduce the risk of various cancers (breast cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer etc.)


Drinking green tea regularly improves brain functioning and boosts memory too. Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease are common neurodegenerative diseases in ageing humans. Catechins compounds in it lower the risk of developing such diseases. In this way, it protects the brain even in old age.

A natural chemical called theanine found in it can provide ca calming effect, soothe and relax your mind.


Green tea drinkers have up to 31% lower risk of cardiovascular diseases. It improves the blood flow in vessels and prevents clotting which is the primary reason for heart attack.

It contains tannins which help in reducing bad cholesterol. Regular intake can improve the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.


It is a beneficial beverage for diabetics. Anti-oxidants of green tea slow down the absorption of glucose in blood bloodstream.

Recent studies suggest that green tea catechins may reduce the amount of glucose that passes through the intestine and into the bloodstream. This will benefit diabetics by preventing blood-sugar spikes when tea is taken with meals.

ALSO READ: What Are The Risk Factors Of Diabetes?


Catechins may inhibit the growth of bacteria and some viruses. It blocks the attachment of the bacteria associated with dental caries of the teeth. Its consumption not only maintains dental hygiene but also reduces bad breath.

ALSO READ: Dental Care Tips For Clean White Healthy Teeth

Pros of Green Tea


  1. If your body is sensitive to caffeine then drink it cautiously. Although the caffeine content of green tea is lower than that of its counterparts its overconsumption can lead to a variety of ailments:
  • Heart palpitation
  • Convulsions
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nervousness
  • Restlessness
  • Irritation
  1. If you are pregnant, planning to conceive or breastfeeding then not more than 2 cups should be taken a day or it’s better to skip it altogether as EGCG in green tea can interfere with the child’s growth, and development and create some complications like premature birth, low birth weight, or in some cases fatal death.
  2. Its tannin content can decrease the iron and folic absorption in the body when taken in higher amounts which can lead to iron deficiency anemia. For lactating women, the caffeine in green tea can pass into breast milk and affect the nursing infant.
  3. Deficiency of calcium leads to osteoporosis. Drinking too much green tea can increase the amount of calcium that is flushed out in the urine. It prohibits calcium absorption in the bones and leads to osteoporosis.
  4. Tannins present in green tea increase stomach acid which may cause stomach ache and constipation. People with peptic ulcer or acid reflux should avoid drinking green tea on an empty stomach. It is always advisable to have it after a meal or in between meals.
  5. Kidney stones are made of calcium combined with phosphate or oxalic acid. Green tea, being rich in oxalic acid damages the kidney. Green tea extract supplements have been linked to several cases of Liver damage also.
  6. It interacts with certain medications and leads to certain problems. So always consult your healthcare professional if it is safe to consume it along with your medicines.
  7. Young children should avoid drinking this as it may not be suitable for their bodies or may interfere with growth hormones.
    Cons of Green Tea


Always try to choose high-quality brands of green tea because some of the lower quality brands contain excessive levels of fluorides which is not good for health.

The dosage depends on the requirement or condition for which you are taking it. 3-4 cups a day are recommended to reap the health benefits. More than 6-7 cups of green tea a day – is possibly unsafe.

How many cups do you drink?