Benefits Of Pre And Post Workout Stretchings

Group of young women stretching and warming up for a gym class

I have noticed so many individuals who jumpstart on treadmill or cross-trainer and start doing their workout without giving the least importance to stretching. Even if they do, they barely spend 5 minutes on stretching just one muscle group and leave. Don’t you think that


TUMMY TONING Exercises After Pregnancy

How To Get Flat Tummy After Pregnancy

“When shall I start doing exercises after delivery?” “How long will it take for my tummy to tone back to normal?” – These are some of the frequently asked questions of new moms soon after their pregnancy. If you are one of them and wonder


5 Bed Exercises For Flat Belly!!

Bed Exercises For Flat Belly

How have you started your day? Mine was quite lazy. You know, sometimes, we really need a motivation to get out of the warm, cozy bed and hit the gym in the morning. Can it be possible to have a fit and fine body while