Easy Exercises To Tone And Tighten INNER THIGHS

Priyanka Chopra INNER THIGHS

Do you lack confidence in wearing those leggings and skinny jeans just because flabby fat resides in your inner thighs? Don’t despair as it is generally one of the last areas of the body in a woman to be slim and firmer. In this post, I am going to share some of the easy exercises that will tone and tighten your inner thighs.

The inner thigh is one of the most troublesome spots of the body where fat deposits very fast as we use it less frequently in our everyday life activities. People often ask me for the exercises to reduce their target area but frankly speaking, this is simply impossible. Let me make it clear, basic funda is – “If you want to lose fat from one specific area, you will have to lose your overall weight first.” And for that, you need to make a routine for exercise and consume a healthy diet.

As spot reduction is not possible in the case of inner thighs, you should try to focus on full body weight loss and do specific exercises to get slimmer, firmer and tighter inner thighs. Thigh fat is subcutaneous and responds very well to exercises and dietary adjustments. Try to incorporate the following exercises that will help in toning and shaping the inner thighs:


Watch this video tutorial for a better understanding of these exercises:

* In BRIDGE RAISES, you can either use a Swiss ball, pillow, basketball rolled-up towel etc. as a prop.

ALSO READ: Reduce Flabby Arm Fat With Easy Exercises.

SWISS BALL can also be used to tone and tighten your inner thighs:


  • Get into the side-lying position.
  • Place a large Swiss ball in between your feet. Now slowly lift the ball up towards the ceiling using only your hips. Return to the start position. This completes your one repetition.
  • Do 3 sets of 5 repetitions initially and gradually increase your repetitions, once your body gets used to it.

As you try to keep the ball in place, your muscles will have to work harder. So in this way, the Swiss ball makes this exercise a bit more challenging. This will tone not only your inner thighs but your core too.

ALSO READ: 5 Easy Bed Exercises For Flat Tummy.

Ball Lift Excercise


  • Lie on your back with a Swiss ball in between your feet.
  • Bring your feet and hands towards the ceiling and pass the ball from your feet to your hands.
  • Return to laying on the floor and repeat passing the ball from your hands to your feet.
  • Do 3 sets of 5 repetitions initially and gradually increase your repetitions, once your body gets used to it.

Ball Pass Exercise

You can get the results faster if you add on good heart-pumping cardio along with these exercises.

Now, get ready to flaunt your super-toned and curvy inner thighs !!